I just received an email for the following coupon!:
For those who have a Kroger (or any Kroger affiliate store) in their area, head on over to the Kroger website to load a coupon for Kroger brand yogurt!
If you buy any THREE Kroger CARBmasters yogurt, you can get one FREE!
This coupon will be loaded directly to your Kroger Plus Card. (Note: Not valid in CA, LA, NV or TN. You cannot use a paper coupon with an electronic coupon.)
If you need to register your Kroger Plus Card with an online account, go here and you can set up an account and receive even more great coupons!
I LOVE coupons! Stopping by from the "Weekend Social Mix Blog Hop"! Happy New Follower!!
Ramblings of a Southern Belle
Thank you for stopping by! Aren't coupons great? Thanks for following!